Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So I was standing in the Command Post (CP) today and one of my Soldiers walked up to me and asked,"Sir, what did you score on the run?"  We have an Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) coming up a couple days before I change command which means everyone in the battery has one last chance to beat me.  I thrive on competition and I have tried to instill a competitive spirit in my battery as well.  I told the Soldier my run time from the previous APFT and he still wasn't done with his questions..."And what about the pushups Sir?" He continued to ask for my scores on each event and once he tallied them up in his head, he looked at me with a smirk on his face before declaring, "I'm going to beat you Sir."  I gave him a confident look (I hope it looked that way) and said, "I hope you do beat me, but I'm not going to just let you."  That Soldier does not even have a score in the top ten in the battery, but I have a confession to make.  It made me nervous.  Is he doing some kind of insane training that I am not aware of?  What does he know that I don't?  And this is why I love a competitive environment...no matter how well I did on the last APFT or what my physical standing is in the battery, I always feel like someone is on my heels.  I am usually the last person to talk any trash, but I welcome it when my Soldiers talk trash to me.  I have less time during the day to train than my Soldiers, but one thing is for sure, that comment today will help me to focus during the time that is available.  I just wish I was this competitive with academics, wait a second...no I don't.   

1 comment:

  1. Acutally, I think there might be a sermon in this. Love the s-i-l
